Pregnancy and Baby Journey

I've written about a variety of things as my life has gone along and this page will be no different.  We recently had a baby boy and I wanted to journal things we purchased and did along the way in hopes that maybe it will make life and pregnancy easier for someone out there.

We start New Years 2011-12. We had been trying to conceive for six months and I learned how to track my ovulation and fertility.  Because pregnancy tests are so costly and I really wanted to know how things were going I bought some test strips They worked well to tell me when I was ovulating and such and they were much less expensive. 

So from June to December I took the tests and tracked ovulation on the calendar. On January third after returning from holiday in San Francisco I tested positive and realized why I felt so bloated.  

I was only at week 10 before I gave in and started with maternity pants, I got big fast! 

I decided to plan ahead and get one of these also.

Stay tuned, I'll add more as time allows.. you see, I have a six month old now :)

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