I like coffee, I like tea... This mornings coffee was so pretty I thought I would show you. We have been having egg nog in our lattes recently. Also, fresh ground nutmeg with the fancy grinder that James gifted me last year. It's made by Peugeot. They make cars, and nutmeg grinders. Who'da thunk.
So last night I was going to start another knitting project but found that I didn't have the correct type of yarn. See, it comes in different thicknesses. One cannot just make anything out of anything. For example, socks require a fingering weight yarn. Take off your shoes, see those little tiny threads on your store bought socks...imagine those threads as regular yarn thickness. It just would not work.

The dilemma is: do I buy more yarn, or do I figure out what I can make with what I have?

There is a fantastic yarn store about 2 miles away, which we walked to once. It's called Let it Rain and they have very nice yarns. This also means that the yarn can be pretty pricey, as well as pure and natural, which I appreciate. AND I get in a good (sunny even) walk after having an egg nog latte.


Anonymous said...

OOh... love the mug. Yum.

Ok, so now I need a latte. Which chocolate. :D

Licia said...

Mexican chocolate?